Thursday, February 24, 2011

Common Question 1: (CQ1)

Q. Who Is myFindIT?
A. myFindIT is a registered identification service. Driven by the web-enabled information communication technologies we assist in returning missing, lost or stolen property back to their rightful owners through our unique wireless communication network (i.e. mesh network including White Space frequencies) and identification numbers.

A central interface to register your items

A web-enabled interface (i.e. Web Portal) that allows clients to join a network of fellow myFindIT owners that assist with recovery

Activate Your myFindIT IDs!

Returning Members:
Existing clients accounts please enter your Username and Password here then enter your myFindIT identification numbers below.

Username: __________ Password: _____________

New & Existing Clients:

ID Number(s): ______________

New clients enter all ID numbers here. If you purchased more than one package of myFindIT IDs, separate each ID number by commas in this field. Example, enter multiple ID numbers like this: F001963X, F004321Y, F001679Z

A Global 24/7 Recovery Service

Recoverable Items includes;

  1. Portables
  2. Bike & Helmet
  3. Keys
  4. Luggage
  5. Traveler items
  6. Sports equipment
  7. Cell Phone & Pager
  8. Electronics
  9. Photography equipment
  10. Computing equipment (mobile, Laptops & PDA's)
  11. Tools
  12. Pets

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lost & Found Methods

Have anyone used this site
Would you recommended it to others?
What was the shortest time to recover your missing item?